A Simple Formula for Growing Young

A Simple Formula for Growing Young

Sometimes, we truly overlook the obvious when there is a simple solution.  More often than not, we tend to make things a little harder than they are supposed to be or stress when there is no need. This is certainly the case when aging.  We often forget how to live...
Legal Documents for Young Adults

Legal Documents for Young Adults

Life offers no guarantees. But, there is a guarantee of chaos if you have become an adult in the eyes of the law (18 in the United States) and you are injured. Should you sustain an injury that renders you unable to speak for yourself, then you could be in a world of...
How Pricing Works for Assisted Living

How Pricing Works for Assisted Living

Are you considering Assisted Living for yourself or a family member? If you have an elderly loved one nearing the stage of life where assisted living is an option (or even a necessity), you need to educate yourself on the different ways the pricing for assisted living...
16 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia

16 Things I Would Want If I Got Dementia

When you work in dementia care, people tend to ask you a lot of questions. Probably one of the most common questions that I hear is, “Are you afraid to get dementia when you’re older?” Honestly, there are many things that scare me much more than...
The Length of Grieving

The Length of Grieving

There is tremendous variation in the length of grieving, a natural response to a loss. No right or wrong exists as it is a process. You may believe you’re past grieving and, then suddenly, it erupts again. Holidays or special occasions can feel like the loss is fresh...
Managing Medical Expectations

Managing Medical Expectations

Managing expectations is such an overused phrase because of its importance. You can be out of balance in an instant when expectations are different than reality. Even a step off a curb that is deeper than expected can deliver a shooting pain to your hip, knee, or...