Embarking on a plan requires discipline and taking steps in an orderly manner. This is true no matter what type of planning you are doing. Let’s say you’re planning a vacation. Does browsing the internet or reading a brochure get the plan done? Of course, not. If you get stuck at step one, then that is where the plan will stay . . . stuck!

So, to succeed with your aging plan, following the proven steps in executing a plan will help you achieve the desired result. The Blueprint to Age Your Way is a step-by-step workbook and it touches on private and delicate aspects of your life. This is an important reason to stay on task and follow the steps to succeed.

These are the established steps to executing your aging plan:

  1. Establish goals
  2. Identify resources
  3. Establish goal-related tasks
  4. Prioritize goals and tasks
  5. Create timelines and assignments

Whether you have decided to execute your own aging plan or want to assist your loved one, let me walk you through the steps as they specifically relate to The Blueprint to Age Your Way.

Establish goals. Whose goals? It’s a challenge for us to set and achieve our own goals. It’s just about impossible to set goals for someone else and expect success. If your goal is to complete your own Blueprint and this is something you truly want, then you’re on solid ground to move to step two. When you are motivated to influence another person to plan, your best strategy is to begin executing your plan, talk about it conversationally, and lead by example. The likelihood of influencing another is greater if they see your commitment and observe your success.

Identifying resources. There are both financial and human resources to be considered. The simplest step is purchasing the Blueprint as the dollar investment is minimal. The larger resource is human: your time. The best way to comprehend what type of time is required is to begin working on your own plan. Once that’s started, you can better understand how much time is needed for assisting a loved one in planning.

Establish goal-related tasks. Some of the jobs to do focus on executing legal documents. Additional duties involve locating and gathering information. Still, others are completing forms of priorities, preferences, and wishes. Sometimes it takes a team to complete a plan. If dividing up tasks makes sense, then do so. 

Prioritize goals and tasks. When embarking on a plan for advanced planning, the Blueprint can easily be followed in order, chapter by chapter. However, when a plan is being executed under duress or when a crisis is pending, the highest priority items will need to be completed first.

Create assignments and timelines. Assignments for an aging plan can be tricky. Doing your own plan is simple as you complete it yourself. When assisting another to plan, the entire task can derail by the wrong assignment. Your helper should have a good relationship with the loved one and remain neutral. After all, the helper is merely gathering another’s information and documenting that person’s wishes. The helper is the scribe, not the author of the Blueprint.

These are the initial five steps to get you started on creating your’s or another’s aging plan. If you have questions, please post them on my Facebook page. I’m here to help!

The Blueprint to Age Your Way is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

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Blueprint Age Your Way Available for Pre order


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