A Pill for Every Ill

A Pill for Every Ill

Yep! That’s the solution. Whatever ails you is fixable by a pill. This assumption is confirmed repeatedly on television, in print, on social media, among friends and family, and in your doctor’s office. Many patients I work with are taking thirty or forty pills a day,...
One by One

One by One

Please, please, please follow this rule about medications! Only start or stop long-term medications one at a time. This is the absolute best way to pinpoint positive effects or problems. It’s such a logical precedent but, all too often, this isn’t what happens in...
Tears and Fears in the ER

Tears and Fears in the ER

This blog is a follow-up to last week’s blog where I provided Legal Documents for the Young.  I wanted to share my own story of how that blog post came about.  If you missed the post, you can find it HERE. A short while ago, I was reminded that significant...