I’m so excited! All the years I spent worrying about lack of planning is coming to an end. In February, The Blueprint to Age Your Way will be available to anyone who is ready to take the first step. Soon it will be yours to use with both enthusiasm and discipline. You can start 2017 with a fresh attitude!

The purpose of the Blueprint is to go beyond conversation and give your plan staying power. Yes, conversation is invaluable for thinking out loud and crystalizing your beliefs. But the spoken word is subject to interpretation and memory. Details evaporate, especially when stress enters the picture.

The responsible party you have designated can change or even die. That’s why your plan must be in writing and in an organized, accessible format. This is true no matter if you are planning for yourself or assisting a loved one with documenting their plan.

A written plan can preserve peace in the family, as well as your own peace of mind. To understand the four parts of the Blueprint, I’ll give you a sneak peek at two of the forms that are included in the medical, legal, financial, and personal plan.

In the medical section, there is a form to document “Concessions I Agree to Make.” Does that sound crazy to you? Maybe so, depending on your age and stage of life. But, you need to put together a medical plan, not a medical pipe-dream. When the years diminish your insight and increase your entrenchment, it helps to look back at concessions documented at an earlier time. Your own signed agreement carries weight.

“Sources of Income” is one of the financial forms that paints a picture for whoever you designate to manage your income and obligations. Think about it; could you step into someone else’s life and manage their responsibilities without information? Nobody could, so please ease their burden.

Legal clarity is not only incredibly important but it’s also imperative to execute your legal documents in advance of the need. “Location of Legal Documents” serves as a prompt of needed documents, clarifies responsible parties, and identifies the location of original forms.

How about your obituary? Should that be left to grieving family and friends? Are you certain they know who and what really meant the most to you, what has the most significance to mention? That’s why there is a form “Obituary” included to provide input or to write your own in advance.

Take a look, explore the forms included in this guide to document your aging plan. Go to AgeYourWay.com to find the sneak peek. And be sure to sign up to receive first-to-know email updates about the publication date and related event. [If you’re already on the list, we’ll be sending you the freebies soon so you don’t have to sign up again!]



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